Jeff Skafelsted

Formline Instructor

Sei ya' eesh - Norwegian/Tlingit Artist - Hoonah, Alaska

Jeffrey belongs to the Eagle Moiety, Chookaneidi (Octopus/Porpoise) Clan of Hoonah, Nana Hit of Glacier Bay

Jeffrey Skaflestad is a Tlingit carver and formline artist.  His art is inspired by ancestral influences and he has had wonderful mentors/teachers on his journey. These include; David Williams, Ernie Smeltzer, Gordon Greenwald, David Boxley, Steve Brown, Wayne Price, Greg Horner, Bill Holm and currently Scott Jensen.  Being true to the traditional style, and adhering to the strict rules of the Tlingit art form is what makes his art distinctive.  

In 2016, Scott Jensen, Fred Sał kaa Fulmer, and Jeff Sei ya eesh Skaflestad carved a totem pole for the Chookaneidí Clan of Hoonah, Alaska. The three carvers were tasked with this project by elders of the Chookaneidí Clan. The totem, named the Goonz Pole, is a shaman’s pole which historically stood in the original Tlingit village in what is now called Glacier Bay.

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